Ws HaeniscH

O Mundo é de quem Sabe!

Trabalha com os programas: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro e Premiere Elements, Apple Final Cut Pro, Autodesk Combustion; Eyeon Fusion; Quantel com Synapse. Sapphire Plug-ins tornaram-se o padrão da indústria para high-end a criação de efeitos visuais, proporcionando qualidade de imagem incomparável, um único olhar orgânico, e facilidade de uso. Eles têm sido amplamente utilizados em uma série de programas de televisão, vídeos de música e filmes, incluindo: Piratas do Caribe 1, 2 e 3, Homem-Aranha 1, 2 e 3, Superman Returns, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion , A Feiticeira eo Guarda-Roupa, O Senhor dos Anéis, Star Wars - Episódio I, II e III, "Sin City", a trilogia Matrix, X-Men 1, 2 e 3, Titanic, Lost e CSI.
- Over 30 new effects and many enhancements in version 2.
- Includes support for Adobe CS3 and Smart FX.
- Support for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard and Mac Intel hardware.
- Support for Windows Vista.
- More than 200 total plug-ins for image processing and synthesis.
- All plug-ins have multiple options and parameters that can be adjusted and animated for creating an unlimited range of effects.
- Resolution independent, antialiased, high quality images.
- Online hyper-linked documentation for all plug-ins.
- Dual, Quad, and 8-core support for faster rendering.
- On-screen user interface for visual control of parameters in After Effects and Premiere Pro.
- Only one license is needed to use the plug-ins with all AE compatible applications on the same computer.
- Free network rendering on After Effects, Combustion, and Digital Fusion.

Sapphire Plug-ins 2.092 for AE compatible products on Windows:
The installer below is for use with all AE compatible products including After Effects, Combustion, Fusion, and others.

What’s new on Windows in 2.092:
- Fixed “can’t checkout param, err=205″ errors, which could crash After Effects.

Program Name: Genarts Sapphire v2.092 for AE
Program Type: Video, Plug-in
Release Date: February 25, 2010
Platform: Windows
File Size: 9.92Mb


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